
WOW! Lawless Far-Left DC Judge Tanya Chutkan Argues President Trump Should Be Gagged and Silenced because He Used the Word “THUG” – And That Implies “Violence”

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On Monday morning Special Counsel Jack Smith will argue before anti-Trump DC Judge Tanya Chutkan to gag leading Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump from speaking about his case and issues important to the American people.

They want to silence President Trump.

This was all part of the Democrat Party’s plan. They know they cannot defeat President Trump so this year, besides all of their election tricks and gimmicks to steal votes, the Biden administration charged President Trump with 91 indictments and opened a Special Counsel on his holding classified documents in a locked room at Mar-a-Lago – unlike the the open garage where Joe Biden kept classified documents he was illegally holding as a US Senator and vice president.