
The Kevin Spacey Comeback: London Movie Theater Cancels Premiere of Film Featuring Him – In Oxford, Embattled Actor Performs His First Monologue Since Acquittal

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Can Kevin Spacey be uncanceled?

Ever since he was acquitted of sexual assault, two time Academy Award winner actor Kevin Spacey has been engaged in an uphill battle to regain his standing in the movie business in particular and in the American and British cultural scene in general.

‘Control’, Kevin Spacey’s first film to be released since his acquittal, was dealt with a setback after a London cinema dropped its offer to host its World Premiere due to the actor’s involvement in the micro-budget Welsh thriller.

The Prince Charles Cinema is a big supporter of independent film, located in Leicester Square, in East London.

Spacey does not even appear on screen, having recorded his voice that is heard in phone calls with Welsh actress and producer Lauren Metcalfe.