
You Can’t Make This Up: RINO Ken Buck Admits He Only Voted Tom Emmer for House Speaker Because He Doesn’t Like Him and Wants Him to Have a Horrible Job (VIDEO)

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Representative Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, recently appeared on CNN to explain his surprising decision to vote for Tom Emmer as Speaker of the House. Buck openly admitted to CNN’s Dana Bash that his vote was driven not by policy or ideology but rather personal animosity toward Emmer.

The CNN interview unfolded as follows:

Dana Bash: He did not vote for Congressman Jim Jordan, instead voting for Tom Emmer. Well, I guess my first question is, do you really want Tom Emmer to be Speaker?

Ken Buck: No, I don’t. I don’t like Tom Emmer. I figured this would be the worst job in America. Mike Rowe would not want to do this for his TV show.