
BREAKING: Jordan LOSES Second Bid to Become Speaker – Here are the 22 Turncoat RINOS Who Voted Against Him and Defied We the People

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Jim Jordan lost a second bid for Speaker after 22 RINOs voted against him.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that Jordan had to win over at least 15 of these 20 RINOS who did not vote for him in the first vote if he is to become Speaker.

He did not succeed.

BREAKING: Jim Jordan Falls Short, Fails to Secure Speakership on Second Vote

— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) October 18, 2023

Here are the 22 RINOS who turned their backs on We the People and voted against Jordan. One idiot, Mike Kelly, voted for former RINO Speaker John Boehner!

Here’s the full Hall of Shame and who they voted for Speaker instead.