
Estonian PM Kallas Slams Hungary’s Orban for Shaking ‘Criminal’ Putin’s Hand as Her Husband Makes a Fortune Doing Business With Russia

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Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

It is said that hypocrisy is the last tribute that vice pays to virtue. That bit of popular wisdom does seem to apply to Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

The Baltic state leader is brandishing her Russophobia for the world to see, but perhaps she could start at her own home – like we will see.

Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban shaking hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin was an image that Kallas found ‘very, very unpleasant.’

She added it defied logic, given Budapest’s past history with Moscow, for Orban to do so.

The Hungarian leader and Putin held talks in China, on Tuesday, where Orban told Putin that ‘he had never wanted to oppose Moscow,