
CALL TO ACTION: Nebraska Freedom Coalition Organizes Peaceful Assembly at RINO Don Bacon’s Office Today at 10 A.M. CDT – “We’ve Had Enough of the BS”

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Photo: Don Bacon/Facebook

The Nebraska Freedom Coalition announced a peaceful assembly outside Congressman Don Bacon’s Omaha office today. Labeling him “DACA Don,” and slamming him as a RINO, the Coalition is rallying conservatives to protest against Bacon, especially for his recent decisions opposing Rep. Jim Jordan as the next Speaker of the House.

“See you there, Nebraska Patriots! Let’s show DACA Don what true grassroots activism looks like!” reads the latest message from the Coalition. Urging constituents from Nebraska’s Second District to assemble peacefully outside Congressman Bacon’s Omaha and Wahoo District Offices, the goal is: Encourage Don Bacon to VOTE YES on JIM JORDAN for Speaker of the House.

The assembly is set for today at 10 a.m.