
REPORTS: RINO ‘Holdouts’ Not Budging… Jim Jordan Encouraged to Drop Bid For Speaker

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Chairman Jim Jordan earlier Thursday said he will seek a meeting with the RINO holdouts after his bids for Speaker failed.

Jordan so far has failed to secure the 2017 votes to win the gavel. He said he expected a 3rd ballot possibly Thursday evening.

“I’m still running for Speaker and I plan to go to the floor and get the votes and win this race,” Jordan told reporters as he prepared to huddle with McCarthy, McHenry and the RINO holdouts.

Jordan: “I’m still running for Speaker and I plan to go to the floor and get the votes and win this race.” pic.twitter.com/9w95VbZDtt

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 19, 2023

Jordan reportedly met with McCarthy,