
RINO Bacon Says Jim Jordan is Done and Needs to ‘Withdraw’ from Speaker Race – Hopes McCarthy Detractors ‘Learn a Lesson’ (VIDEO)

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On Wednesday, RINO Don Bacon (R-NE) voiced strong opinions on CNN’s “The Lead” regarding the ongoing Speaker of the House race involving Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.

Stating that Jordan “doesn’t have a pathway forward to 217 [votes],” Bacon urged Jordan to withdraw his candidacy. He also hoped that the eight House members who had disrupted Kevin McCarthy’s bid for the Speaker’s position would learn a lesson from their experience.

Bacon also claimed that his wife had been the target of anonymous text messages pressuring him to back Jordan. One tex said, “Your husband will not hold any political office ever again. What a disappointment and failure he is.”

Source: CNN

During the interview, anchor Jake Tapper raised questions about Jordan’s decreasing support.