
Left Wing Comedian Sarah Silverman Expresses Support for Israel on Social Media – Backpedals Furiously After Leftists Accuse Her of Racism and Supporting Genocide

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Comedian Sarah Silverman recently posted a message on Instagram that was clearly meant to be a message of support for Israel. It makes sense, considering the fact that Silverman is Jewish.

Unfortunately for Silverman, she was almost immediately attacked by her fellow travelers on the left who accused her of everything from racism to supporting genocide.

This is what Silverman posted:

piece of shit announcement pic.twitter.com/NiqDIcKnu5

— Matt Lieb?? (@mattlieb) October 19, 2023

The backlash came swiftly.

Sarah Silverman casually calling for genocide on social media.

These people are the information arm of war criminals, making them war criminals themselves. pic.twitter.com/wRhxZEBwTw

— Danny Haiphong (@SpiritofHo) October 19,