
Bill Maher Argues Against Going to Elite Colleges, Warns they Make Students ‘Stupid’ and Promote ‘Indoctrination’ – “If Ignorance is a Disease, Harvard Yard is the Wuhan Wet Market”

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Bill Maher lambastes elite colleges for their “indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas” and the suppression of free speech.

In a blistering commentary on his HBO show “Real Time,” comedian and political commentator Bill Maher minced no words as he took aim at what he sees as the sorry state of higher education in America, particularly elite colleges.

Maher, an Ivy League graduate himself, argues that American college campuses, especially those deemed “elite,” have devolved into “a combination of a daycare center and a North Korean reeducation camp” where freedom of speech is stifled and the marketplace of ideas is suppressed.

“As an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education, I have one piece of advice for the youth of America don’t go to college.