
EXCLUSIVE: Steve Forbes on Biden Regime, “They’re Competent in Their Incompetence”

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Steve Forbes (Photo by Gage Skidmore)
Steve Forbes joined the Joe Hoft Show Friday on TNTRadio.  He offered solutions to save the country economically while labeling the Biden Administration – “competent in their incompetence.”

Conservative icon Steve Forbes was on the Joe Hoft Show on TNTRadio.live today.  Like most Americans, Forbes sees the economy failing, inflation at decade highs, the border open, and the world on fire.  He offered suggestions for how to get America back on track.

Forbes started off the second segment of the show (at the 15:44 mark in the audio included below) responding to whether the Biden gang is incompetent or trying to destroy America:

I’d say they’re competent in their incompetence of how you see the world.