
Tennessee Man Convicted of Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

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A Tennessee man has been convicted of attempting to provide material support to ISIS.

Benjamin Carpenter, 31, of Knoxville, Tennessee, aka Abu Hamza, was convicted on October 19, following an eight-day trial.

The Department of Justice explained in a press release that Carpenter “served as the leader of Ahlut-Tawhid Publications, an international organization of pro-ISIS ‘munasirin’ (i.e., supporters), dedicated to translating, producing and distributing ISIS propaganda throughout the world.”

“For years, Carpenter, using his alias ‘Abu Hamza,’ published a large body of ISIS media, including his weekly newsletter ‘From Dabiq to Rome,’ a periodical that, among other things, celebrated the deaths of American soldiers, glorified suicide bomber, and called for open war against the United States and its Western allies,” the DOJ said in the press release.