
VIDEO: Vile Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar Insults FOX News Reporter for Asking Tough Questions About Her Calls for Israel to Stop Fighting Back Against Hamas – This Follows Her Meltdown at Biden Over War

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Disgusting anti-Semite Ilhan Omar (Socialist-MN) insulted a reporter instead of answering her tough questions over her calls for Israel to stop defending itself against Hamas savages on Friday. This followed what the Daily Mail described as her meltdown at Joe Biden regarding his “support” for Israel over Hamas.

Omar is well-known for her hatred of the Jewish people. One example is her echoing the long-standing anti-Semitic trope about Jews obtaining their influence through money.

Fox Business reporter Hillary Vaughn caught up to Omar on Capitol Hill and peppered her with tough questions regarding why she supported a “ceasefire” with Hamas terrorists. Vaughn pointed during her questioning this would be tantamount to Israel surrendering to the Islamist terror organization that is trying to wipe them off the face of the earth.