
You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House – Who Wanted to End Electoral College – AND There’s Video!

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House Whip Tom Emmer, a former Soros-org spokesman

As reported earlier House Republicans voted down their most popular and respected member, Jim Jordan for House Speaker today.

The Republican lawmakers held a secret ballot away from their voters and overwhelmingly decided to oust Jordan from the Speaker’s race.

The Republicans voted 112-86 in a secret ballot to oust the Ohio Republican from the race.

The House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for more than 2 weeks after Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the chair. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.