
Conservative Law Professor William Jacobson Explains How the Left Took Over and ‘Radicalized’ Almost Every College

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Conservative law professor William Jacobson is the publisher of the Legal Insurrection blog. As one of the few openly conservative faculty members in the Ivy League, Jacobson is in a unique position to observe campus culture and the radical drift higher education has taken in recent years.

Jacobson was recently interviewed by Breitbart News to offer his analysis of what we’re seeing unfold on college campuses right now with left wing rallies in support of the terror group Hamas.

According to Jacobson, we are witnessing the ‘collapse’ phase of higher ed.

From Breitbart News:

Professor William Jacobson Explains How the Left Took Over Education: ‘We’re in a Collapse Phase’

Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson explained to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater how the far-left took over academia to the point where the U.S.