
Gavin Newsom’s California: Residents of Luxury Apartment Complex in Long Beach Under Siege from Arson Attacks, Beatings, Break-Ins by Teens, Homeless and Young Children (Video)

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Residents of a luxury apartment complex in Long Beach, California have been under siege the past month by marauding teens, homeless and even young children who have harassed and beaten residents, invaded hallways of the buildings and set arson fires to several cars, according to local reports.

The siege at the well-appointed apartment complex (rents start at $2,259) is one more example of the deliberate destruction of American society by progressive Democrat politicians from Joe Biden to California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Teen mob seen on surveillance video at Camden Harbor View Apartments in Long Beach, California, October 2023, screen image via KTLA-TV/YouTube.

KTTV-TV reported on the siege at the Camden Harbor View Apartments (excerpt):

…”They jump over the fences,