
Siege of Avdiivka: The MSM Paints the Russian Offensive as a Failure, but Zelensky’s Former Advisor Arestovitch Warns That the City May Be About the Be Encircled

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As the siege of the strategic city of Avdiivka progresses, the playbook that we envisioned in a previous post is taking place.

The MSM has two propaganda narratives going on at once: first they insist that Russian offensive is a complete disaster, has thoroughly failed. At the same time, they begin the disinformation that the city is not important at all. This way, when the Russian victory comes, it will be sold as unimportant.

A Business Insider headline shows these two narratives at once, saying that “Russian casualties soar by 90% as Putin’s generals order furious attacks on small city in east, UK intelligence says”.

Meanwhile, Russian forces maintain unrelenting pressure on the shattered remains of Avdiivka.