
EXCLUSIVE from Rep. Keith Self: ‘How Was Jordan, Founder of House Freedom Caucus and the Nation’s Second Most Popular Conservative, Blocked by the Republican Party?’

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Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
A Movement of Hope

Guest post by Representative Keith Self (R-TX 3rd District)

I have been reflecting on the defeat of Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House.  How was Jordan, the founder of the House Freedom Caucus, and the second most popular conservative in the nation blocked by the Republican party?

I can tell you.

He was a threat to the Swamp.  Yes, America lost to the swamp.  Again.  Hill reporters (who live and breathe on Washington speculation) quickly chalked up the defeat to differences and preferences within the Republican Conference.  However, those in the grassroots realize that Jordan’s defeat represents something far greater – something that has been building for a long time.