
House GOP Holds Second Secret Ballot – EMMER WINS Second Round! Six Candidates Remain After Pete Sessions Drops from Race

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On Friday, popular conservative Rep. Jim Jordan failed to secure enough support to become the Speaker Designate after RINOS stabbed him in the back.

Jordan, arguably the most popular Republican in Congress today, failed to reach the threshold after 23 RINOs voted against him and their conservative voter base.

Nine Republicans originally announced their intention to run for House Speaker.

The list is now down to six.

After the first vote on Tuesday morning six candidates remain.
Texas Republican Pete Sessions dropped from the race after the first round.

House GOP now entering second secret ballot. Sessions lopped off after 1st round. 6 candidates remaining: Jack Bergman (MI)
Byron Donalds (FL)
Tom Emmer (MN)
Kevin Hern (OK)
Mike Johnson (LA)
Austin Scott (GA)

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24,