
Reporter Confronts KJP on the Impact of Rising Oil Prices That Gives Iran Enough Money to Fund Terrorist Groups (VIDEO)

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As Americans face rising gas prices with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the issue of energy policy has once again come under scrutiny.

During a press briefing, Deputy White House Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre seemed reluctant to address a question on whether the regime’s energy policy could be inadvertently funding Iran-backed terror groups.

A reporter pointed out that under President Trump, the average price of oil was $58 per barrel, while it has risen to $83 per barrel under Biden regime.

“[Under President Trump] the average price of…oil was $58. Under this President it’s $83/barrel. So the price of oil is more. Is that giving Iran enough money to fund these terror groups?” reporter asked.

Karen Jean-Pierre’s response was lackluster and evasive,