
EXCLUSIVE TO GATEWAY PUNDIT: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”

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Former Trump Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows

Mark Meadows has been a frequent target of the tyrannical left since he accepted the job as President Trump’s Chief of Staff from 2020 to 2021.

Meadows is a popular member of Congress who fought back against the Uniparty and co-founded the House Freedom Caucus along with Jim Jordan and others.

In 2015, Mark Meadows filed a resolution to remove worthless John Boehner as Speaker.

In 2018, Mark Meadows famously confronted RINO Speaker Paul Ryan on the House Floor.

Since leaving the White House, the American left has been working day and night to destroy him and his colleagues who were loyal to President Donald Trump.