
FIGHTING BACK: Kari Lake Files Bar Complaint Against Liberal Perkins Coie Attorney Representing Katie Hobbs in Election Lawsuit for “Unlawful and Unethical Attempt to Intimidate” – COMPLAINT INCLUDED

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Kari Lake on Tuesday filed a formal complaint to the Arizona State Bar Association, charging the attorney representing Katie Hobbs in her stolen election coverup for DNC law firm Perkins Coie firm with violations of knowingly misrepresenting facts and making false statements on behalf of her client.

Lake alleges that Hobbs attorney Alexis Danneman violated Ethical Rule 4.1, which states, “In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly…make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person….” Lake also warned the Arizona Bar Association that they must stop treating Democrat attorneys with kid gloves and hold Danneman accountable. This would make sense in a fair justice system.

This comes after Danneman sent a letter to Lake,