
Man Arrested for Breaking Arms Off Jesus Statue and Swinging From Crucifix Outside Boston Church (VIDEO)

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A Massachusetts man with a lengthy criminal record has been arrested for ripping the arms off a 150-year-old Jesus statue and swinging from the crucifix outside a historic Boston church.

Michael Patzelt, 37, of Attleboro, was arraigned on Wednesday for the shocking act of vandalism at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the South End.

A Boston Cathedral has been vandalized in Massachusetts, specifically the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston’s South End. Jesus’ arms have been broken. pic.twitter.com/amjkbqYUFF

— Freda (@ShesBasedBabe) October 25, 2023

The vandalism is said to have caused $20,000 worth of damage.

“Boston police received a radio call for a person who was hanging on the cross at 1400 Washington Street,” a prosecutor told the court during the arraignment,