
Terrorist Apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Extensive Fundraising Ties to Hamas Insiders Exposed by Watchdog Group

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Canary Mission, a watchdog organization that investigates hatred across the entire political spectrum, including the right, far-left and anti-Israel activists, asserts that three individuals with purported links to Hamas actively fundraised for Tlaib’s 2018 Congressional campaign.

Democrat socialist and terrorist apologist Rashida Tlaib employed three activists reportedly linked to Hamas for fundraising during her 2018 election campaign. One of these activists was previously incarcerated for eight months due to suspected ties to Hamas terrorists.

According to the organization, Tlaib utilized the Facebook page, PAC-USA, for fundraising activities during her 2018 Congressional campaign. She appointed the page’s founder as the Chairman of the Finance Committee for her campaign. This individual organized 12 fundraising events across 8 states with Tlaib’s endorsement.