
Documentary Implicates Schwab, Gates, WHO, UN and Other Globalist Entities in Massive Crime of ‘Democide’

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Guest post by Leo Hohmann

The world must ‘Cut Off the Head of the Snake’ or devolve into a new Dark Age of tyrannical global government

I reported last week on the arrest of a prominent international lawyer who has been investigating and exposing the criminal intent surrounding the unleashing of toxic Covid “vaccines” on the world population.

Today, I discovered another influential man, along with a woman, who might want to watch their backs.

They are Swiss banker Pascal Najadi and Swiss scientist turned WHO-whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.

Najadi is a prominent former Swiss banker who has called for the arrest of corporate elites and unelected globalist bureaucrats over allegations of “democide.”

According to Wikipedia