
Florida Republican Assembly Issues Declaration Urges DeSantis to End Presidential Campaign and Return to Florida to Govern the State Again

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Photo: Ron DeSantis/Gage Skidmore
The Florida Republican Assembly issued a declaration calling for Governor Ron DeSantis to come home to Florida and get back to governing the state. 

Most people in Florida were very happy with how Governor DeSantis governed the state once he was elected governor.  Most would agree that overall he handled COVID well and has done many good things while governor.

DeSantis was reelected in 2022 and most Floridians believed he could make a good VP pick for President Trump and were surprised when he decided to run for governor.

DeSantis had to have the Florida law changed in order to run for President and held back his announcement until the law was changed.