
VIDEO: Radical Leftists Storm the Field During USC-Cal Football Game – Shut Down the Game to Reinstate Anti-Israel Professor

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The rivalry football game between USC and Cal was abruptly delayed after dozens of protestors stormed the 50-yard line.

As the protesters reached the middle of the football field they linked arms and sat down in unison and called for UC Berkeley professor Ivonne del Valle to be reinstated.

KQED reported de Valle’s suspension was very “troubling” and reported “del Valle had repeatedly harassed, stalked and retaliated against Joshua Clover, an English and Comparative Literature professor at UC Davis.”

Besides being accused as a stalker, Canary Mission reported Professor de Valle has also supported the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement which is a movement that promotes boycotts against Israel.

Back in 2017 the BDS movement received a public endorsement from Hamas.