
Belarus’ Lukashenko Invites Hungary’s Orbán for Bilateral Meeting, Calls for Cease Fire and Negotiations Between ‘Stalemated’ Russia and Ukraine

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Funny how the world works.

On one hand we have the ‘NATO ally’ and ‘EU hopeful’, Turkey’s Recep Erdogan, who is threatening the ‘western crusaders’ with Holy War from the Crescent Moon hordes.

On the other hand we have the authoritarian, supposedly belligerent threat to western democracies, Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko, talking about… cease-fires, peace, and negotiation.

Today’s geopolitics will tie a knot in the minds of those paying just cursory attention.

To start, Lukashenko invited Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán to visit Belarus, in a bid to continually unfreeze relations.

Associated Press reported:

“President Alexander Lukashenko extended the invitation to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a meeting with Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto,