
Shock Video: Bouncer Tosses Aggressive Leftist Who Got in John Fetterman’s Face and Berated Him Over His Support for Israel

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A leftist professor posted a video of himself aggressively confronting Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) at a fundraiser at a suburban Pittsburgh bar over his support for Israel and then getting tossed out of the bar by a bouncer after getting in Fetterman’s face. Fetterman has been supportive of Israel since the October 7 massacre by Palestinians from Hamas-controlled Gaza and opposes a ceasefire.

The video shows Fetterman politely listening as the man, Dan Kovalik, confronts him for not supporting a ceasefire in Gaza, even as he is right up in Fetterman’s grill. A staffer tries to intervene but Kovalik gets amped up and argues back, saying, “I voted for him” and “This is a democracy”. The staffer agrees and backs off but Kovalik is wound up and keeps aggressively pushing his right hand in Fetterman’s space.