
Racist Jail Guards Spin Illegal Covid Torture In DC Gulag: ‘You Tested Positive…You’re Not Going To Court,’ ‘Only J6ers Are Forced To Wear Masks’

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Petty tyrants employed by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons in tandem with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and activist federal judges, continue to exploit the manufactured “COVID-19 pandemic” to torture inmates and leverage it to repeatedly delay the day J6 defendants see their day in court.

Before and after January 6, 2021, demonstrators who picketed and paraded in the U.S. Capitol building faced misdemeanor charges, if any.

For anti-Trump Antifa militants, femi-nazis, proponents of jihad, or race-baiting Democrat congressmen, protesting in the building or trespassing on federal property during an official proceeding is within the confines of the law.

Anti-Trump handmaids obstructing an official proceeding while protesting Kavanaugh hearing in the U.S.  » READ MORE