
SHOCK VIDEO: Professional Hockey Player SLASHES His Opponent’s Neck with His Skate, Killing Him – Footage Calls Corporate Media’s “Freak Accident” Narrative into Question as Police Investigate Incident

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Credit: Outkick.com

The Gateway Pundit reported Sunday that former NHL player Adam Johnson died in what the corporate media called a “freak accident” during a hockey game. But shocking new video has emerged calling this into question and police are now investigating the incident.

The former Pittsburgh Penguins player took a skate blade to the neck Saturday while he was playing in England for the Nottingham Panthers when an opposing player’s blade cut his neck. The two teams were playing in the Challenge Cup at Utilita Arena, home of the Sheffield Steelers, who was the opposing team.

These teams are part of England’s Elite Ice Hockey League.

The opposing player has since been revealed by media outlets to be Matt Petgrave.