
Paris: Stars of David Painted on Buildings in Paris Increasing Fears For Jews Across Europe

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Star of David Painted on Building in Paris

In Paris, France, fear is increasing for Jewish residents after Stars of David were painted on buildings in the city.

The Times of Israel reports that the symbol, echoing the Nazi regime’s targeting of Jews during the Holocaust, has appeared on at least 60 buildings in the southern district of Paris.

The symbol also appeared over the weekend in several suburbs of the city including Vanves, Fontenay-aux-Roses and Aubervilliers.

The symbols began appearing after the murderous Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians on October 7.

Star of David Painted on Building in Paris

In some places, like Saint-Ouen, the Stars were accompanied by pro-Palestine slogans like “Palestine will overcome.”

The Times of Israel:

The Union of Jewish Students of France said they were designed to mirror the way Jews were forced by the Nazi regime to wear yellow stars.