
VOICE OF EVIL: Hamas Terrorist Coldly Reveals Graphic Details About Murdering Crying Children to Israeli Official – Fears for His Life if His Parents Find Out About (VIDEO)

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Credit: @IDF

Only a cold and ignorant soul could empathize with Hamas after listening to this new footage detailing their war crimes.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) posted a video on X Tuesday showing a Hamas savage giving graphic details to an Israel Securities Authority (ISA) official revealing how he and partner murdered crying, innocent children. Then he has the gall to worry about how mommy and daddy are going to react when they find out.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hamas has committed multiple horrific atrocities, including gunning down peaceful Israelis at a dance party, raping and abducting young Israeli women, and beheading Israeli soldiers. Hamas has even chopped off the heads of babies and cut open pregnant women.