
CRY MORE, LIBS: Democrats Break Down IN TEARS After House Approves Bill Slashing IRS Funding and Approving Aid to Israel to Fight Hamas

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The Gateway Pundit reported Thursday night that House Republicans came together and approved a critical stand-alone bill to help Israel fight Hamas following the October 7 attack. Afterward, some Democrats were triggered to the point of tears.

To fully pay for this aid package, the GOP rescinded funding from Joe Biden’s ironically named Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, specifically Section 10301, which appropriated enhanced funding for the IRS. This included funds to hire 87,000 new agents to harass working-class Americans over their tax bills.

The bill was passed by a vote of 226 to 196. 12 Democrats crossed party lines to vote for the measure, while two Republicans dissented.

This was considered a critical first test of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) leadership,