Russia’s Dmitri Medvedev Warns Poland Against Support for Ukraine, Says Country May ‘Lose Its Statehood’, Usher in WWIII
During the 20 months of War in Ukraine, observers got accustomed with the fiery manifestations by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (and former Russian president) Dmitri Medvedev.
While President Vladimir Putin presents the cool-headed, steady face of Russia, Medvedev gives voice to the maximalist view in their society, and makes the hard reactions to the geopolitical realities known to the wider world in the most stringent manner.
Now, in an article published in Russian media, he has warned Poland that it was now considered a ‘dangerous enemy’ by Russia, and could end up ‘losing its statehood’ if it continued on its current course.
Reuters reported:
“Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,