
Ukraine Left in the Cold as Israel Gets America’s Unfettered Attention

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Angry Graffiti in Ukraine shows the Jew with a big nose covered in dollars while the Ukrainian freezes.

This piece of graffiti that appeared in Kiev captures the essence of the moment. The U.S. is flooding Israel with material aid, which is accompanied by broad public support in America for Israel. Ukraine? It is rapidly becoming an afterthought. Zelensky and entourage are yesterday’s news. This cartoon tells the story.

The dire position of Ukraine is presented in a scathing Time Magazine article this week:

One year ago, Time celebrated Zelensky as its Man of the Year. What a difference a year makes. Illustration by Neil Jamieson for TIME (Source Images: Getty Images (12); Ivanchuk: Lena Mucha—The New York Times/Redux; Kondratova: Kristina Pashkina—UNICEF; Kutkov: Courtesy Oleg Kutkov; Nott: Annabel Moeller—David Nott Foundation; Payevska: Evgeniy Maloletka—AP)

Here is what Time wrote last year:

For most of his life,  » READ MORE