
WATCH: Western Liberal Support for Terrorists Mocked in Hysterical Satire

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Image: Video Screenshot

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘From river to sea, Palestine will free’ is right ‘because it rhymes’

Western support for Hamas, the blood-thirsty terrorists from Gaza who committed horrific atrocities to kill 1,400 Israelis in an attack on innocent civilians last month, is being skewered in a satire video online.

There’s a 19-minute skit that is called “Welcome to Columbia Untisemity” and opens with a nearly three-minute segment that has been posted online.

A report from the Jerusalem Post explains a doctored Columbia University logo appears in the ski, as the school “has been at the center of multiple scandals since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war,