
Zelensky Launches Massive ‘PR Counteroffensive’: He Curses on TV, Invites Trump to Kiev, Floats Delusional Tactics to Prevail on Battlefield

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky showed this weekend that he is not about to accept loss in the information battlefield, launching what we can call his own ‘PR counteroffensive’ to push back to a campaign of several days of demoralizing news articles and opinion pieces in the Western MSM.

Notably, there was a damaging Time Magazine profile in which aides told – off the record – how the wartime leader became delusional with messianic overtones in his policy-making.

Perhaps even more damaging, his own Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny penned an op-ed in which he stated for all to hear that Ukrainian offensive efforts were locked in a stalemate.

The Presidential Office of Ukraine set about publicly rebuking Zaluzhny’s and firing his top military leader’s deputy.