
Another Unhinged Leftist Thug Verbally Assaults Young GOP Volunteers in Virginia – “All MAGA Needs to Go to Gitmo” (VIDEO)

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The leftist thugs are on the roll today during the General Election Day.

Earlier, The Gateway Pundit reported that Matthew Hurtt, a young Republican poll worker stationed in Arlington, became the target of distressing verbal abuse from a leftist thug.

Mr. Hurtt recounted, “I was at my fourth polling location for the morning handing out Republican sample ballots.

“I had already talked to the Democratic poll greeters and a few voters when this man approached me. I offered a Republican sample ballot, and he flew into a rage, calling me names, spouting the sort of tropes you hear in the video. Then he went inside to vote.

“I assumed he would come out afterwards and continue his verbal assault,