
Who are the Arbiters of “Truth” – Who are Fact-Checking the AI Fact-Checkers?

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This article originally appeared on Bill Bruch’s All Things Politics and was republished with permission.

Recent public records request (PRR) documents show the Democrat-controlled Washington State Secretary of State (SOS) paid $147,600 of tax-payer money to an overseas Artificial Intelligence (AI) company based in the UK to surveil anyone using social media platforms that question the partisan narrative of “Free and Fair” elections.

The company, named “Logically” targets people using online social media posts and “Fact Checks” what they deem “Misinformation & Disinformation”- then publishes and sends out regular “Threat Alerts” and bi-weekly “Narrative and Threat Reports” to the SOS based on its AI algorithm preferences.

With so much evidence of election and voter fraud literally being exposed every day,