
Enemy Inside the Wire: Congressional Staffers Hide Faces in Pro-Hamas Demonstration on Capitol Steps; Issue Demands

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The day after pro-Hamas Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was censured for anti-Semitism, a group of Congressional staffers who hid their identities behind facemasks held a pro-Hamas protest on the steps of the Capitol on Wednesday. The group of about one hundred sat on the House steps, with some holding a large white banner with a massage that said “Congressional Staff for a Ceasefire Now” behind three speakers who took turns reading a brief statement that made demands of their Congressmen bosses. The protest also featured dozens of bouquets of flowers held by staffers and laid out on the plaza in front of the protesters.

Screen image via Jehad Abusalim, X Twitter, November 8, 2023.

A flyer sent to staffers about the protest told them to hide their identities by wearing facemasks,