
France Votes on Bill to Tighten Migration Control as Europe Is Overrun With Illegals

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Western Europe, like the US, is getting absolutely swamped by illegal mass migration. There’s no two ways about it.

From Italy’s Giorgia Meloni in the Mediterranean south, up to Rishi Sunak by the British Channel, passing by Germany’s Olaf Scholz – political leaders are under immense pressure from their constituencies to tackle – in a firm and decisive manner – the rampant illegal flood that is hurting their economies and destroying their cultures.

In France, things are not any different. President Emmanuel Macron goes from crisis to crisis, always tasking law enforcement to deal with the unemployed young migrants one step away from open rebellion.

So, there some movement. Senators in France have now opened debate on an immigration bill intended to strengthen the country’s ability to expel illegal foreigners that are deemed ‘undesirable’.