
MUST SEE: TRUMP ReTruths Judge Engoron’s Skinny, Hairless Chest Shots – From The Gateway Pundit’s Report on the Exhibitionist Judge

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This will put a smile on your face.

President Trump ReTruthed Judge Engoron’s skinny chest pictures on Truth Social Today.

Trump ReTruthed the skinny shots from The Gateway Pundit report on how the crazy hairless man who send out half-naked pictures of himself to his high school newsletter.
Doesn’t everyone want to see on old skinny, hairless classmate’s protruding nipples in the annual newsletter.

As reported earlier, the newsletter, in its 51st edition, features a variety of alumni-related content, from heartfelt memorials to lighthearted class reunion announcements.

The photos were first published on the Marco Polo X account.

Trump reTruthed this today.

The newsletter,