
RAV’s Ben Bergquam Airs Invasion Footage From Tucson, AZ – Non-Stop Shuttles Full of Illegal Aliens From Hotel to Airport (VIDEO)

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Ben Bergquam, host of RAV’s Law and Border, was in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday morning showing a group of illegals gathered in front of a hotel.

The illegals were gathered in front of the Best Western hotel in Tucson near the airport waiting for a van to pick them up. After a brief stay, these illegals will be flying to their destination cities in the U.S. Let that sink in for a moment.

“So I just came from the airport saw that van with the Hyatt Place tags on it followed it, comes out here to the Best Western and there is a massive line of people waiting to get on it,” Bergquam said.

Bergquam asked the groups in Spanish where they were from.