
THEY HATE YOU: 70 House Republicans Vote to Reward FBI with New $300 Million Headquarters – As Heavily Armed FBI SWAT Teams Hunt J6 Protester and Army Captain in the New Jersey Woods Like a Mass Murderer

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70 House Republicans voted on Wednesday to reward Chris Wray’s FBI with a new $300 million headquarters larger than the Pentagon.

This comes after years of FBI SWAT Team raids on over 1,000 Trump supporters who attended the Jan. 6, 2021 protests at the US Capitol.
At least 80% of these FBI investigations, stalking, plotting, and arrests were for non-violent crimes like standing outside the US Capitol that day.

The FBI has also targeted Catholics, Christians, parents at school board meetings, journalists, and President Trump.

It’s so bad there is even a movie about the FBI abuse – POLICE STATE.

Here is a list of the 70 House Republicans who voted to reward the FBI for targeting their voters.