
Election Offices Across U.S. Receive ‘White Powder’ in Voter Envelopes from ANTIFA Which Test Positive for Fentanyl

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Source: Ari Hoffman/Twitter

Election offices across the United States, including a key battleground state, have been targeted with suspicious letters containing white powder, some of which have tested positive for fentanyl. The incidents have led to the evacuation of several election offices, causing delays in ballot counting.

The letters, which have been sent to election offices in Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington, have been reportedly “intercepted” in some instances before reaching their destinations. The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service have confirmed that four of these letters contained fentanyl.

Four county election offices in Washington State were evacuated on Tuesday after workers received envelopes containing a mysterious white powder, the Seattle Times reported.
