
HAPPENING NOW: Anti-Israel Radicals Infiltrate and ‘Occupy’ Offices of the New York Times (VIDEO)

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Anti-Israel radicals marching in New York City tonight have sourrounded and then infiltrated the offices of the New York Times.

The mob believes that the far left New York Times is being too sympathetic to Israel in their coverage of the conflict in Gaza. They are chanting ‘shut it down’ outside the building.

The New York Times building in NYC is completely surrounded by pro-Palestinian protesters fed up of the publication’s supposedly pro-Israel bias. pic.twitter.com/GdTyunQ9XS

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 10, 2023

A police car in front of the building has been spray-painted with pro-Hamas graffiti.

#BREAKING NYPD car smashed up and tagged with “Free Gaza” and “IDF”,