
Happy 248th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!

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Happy 248th Birthday, Marines! Semper Fidelis!

There are few dates that are as significant to an individual as their own birthday or the birthday of a loved one.  But ask any United States Marine the significance of 10 November and you’ll likely get something like “Yut!”, “Tun Tavern!” (the birthplace of the Marine Corps), “Oorah!” or “Semper Fi!” (latin for “always faithful”) as a response.  Marines are incredibly proud of their history and truly know how to celebrate the 10 November 1775 birth of one of the “most elite fighting forces in the world!”  I know my time serving as an infantryman with 1st Battalion 8th Marines in Camp Lejeune, NC and in Afghanistan will forever be looked back on as some of the most developmental and impactful years of my life.