
The San Jose Galleon, the ‘Biggest Sunken Treasure in History’, Hasn’t Been Salvaged Yet – But It’s Already Causing Dispute in Court

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A sunken treasure worth tens of billions sure sounds like a dream.

However, that is now a reality about to be salvaged from the bottom of the Caribbean sea – but that is already causing waves in dry land, where an American company is suing the Colombian government.

The sunken Spanish warship that lay undiscovered at the bottom of the ocean for centuries is spurring a modern-day legal battle over who has the rights to its antique treasures.

Business Insider reported:

“The San José galleon, which sank off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia, in 1708, contained ‘the biggest treasure in the history of humanity’, an October legal filing from the government of Colombia said.”

More than 300 years after the San José went down in flames,