
Uncooperative Maricopa County Stonewalls The Gateway Pundit AGAIN After Their Latest Election Interference

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Maricopa County 2022 election machine failure locations

As Maricopa County faces scrutiny for another third-world election, its communications team is stonewalling The Gateway Pundit yet again.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the frustration during Tuesday’s compromised election, where in-person voters were left driving around town, and Maricopa County allegedly instructed them to vote at closed voting centers. Additionally, Maricopa County’s signature verification cameras were turned off temporarily when early ballots were being processed. One voter described it as the “recurring nightmare” in Maricopa County.

It would appear to this author and others that Maricopa County is now trying to hinder our ability to gather news surrounding this topic.

The local election was only for items including tax measures in participating jurisdictions.